Saturday, January 5, 2013


Status: Active
Genre: Gothic  / dark folk
Country: Germany
Awards: Band of the week (08-14 October 2012) and Band of the month (October 2012)

Formed in 2007, Evenoire combine a wide range of influences, from Gothic to Symphonic Metal with a very distinctive Medieval/Folk approach, which has already attracted overwhelming response from the international underground Metal scene. A special mention goes to extraordinary lead vocalist Lisy Stefanoni, whose ethereal and powerful voice adds an extra dimension to the melodies and makes her one of the most promising female singers around.

The first self-produced EP "I will stay" was released in 2009 and it gained excellent live confirmations and very good reviews from the music criticism.
Evenoire's songs taken by "I will stay" are included in some compilation:
- on the double UK compilation DEMONIC AND DIVINE (Femme Metal Records) together with bands from all over the world (Aesma Daeva, Morning, Magica, Lyriel, Godyva etc);
- on the French compilation WORLD OF GLASS
- on THE SIRENS' GARDEN, the compilation made by the community of famous metal female voices singers EVE'S APPLE including singers from Visions of Atlantis, Xandria, Amberian Dawn, Haggard, Stream of Passion. The compilation is available on Itunes.

The debut album "Vitriol" was recorded between May and March 2012 at Dreamsound Studios in Munich, Germany, with Mario Lochert (Emergency Gate, Graveworm, Visions Of Atlantis, Kamelot) behind the consolle. Mastering and Mixing duties were handled by Jan Vacik (Dreamscape).
The album features a very special guest appearance by German soprano Gaby Koss (Haggard, Equilibrium, Nota Profana) in the song ‘Misleading Paradise’. The album is released by Scarlet Records on March 26th 2012 in Europe and on April 10th in USA.

“V.I.T.R.I.O.L.” is an acronym used in the alchemical literature, a deep travel into ourselves, going back to a primary state of life, in the dark side of our psyche in order to find the place where death is enlightened by the moon, and living the rebirth at an higher state of consciousness. The womb of Mother Earth is the place where we can experiment this process and the Water is the key, it symbolizes the unconscious.
It's a journey into legends of North Italy, mysterious creatures, echoes of the past, far places and fairy lands where the water gives life and death. You will pass through lakes and rivers, mountains and seas, terrible storms and deserts, castles and palaces, islands and exotic gardens. You will meet great people as King Salomon and Queen of Saba, the famous Italian alchemist Count Cagliostro, the German minstrel Oswald von Wolkenstein, the wife of king Manfredi of Sicily and tragic destinies now become folklore.
The warm and powerful voice of Lisy Stefanoni and her flutes are the narrators and they will guide you through mystical and emotional atmospheres, where oriental echoes meet medieval and folk melodies. Symphonic keys dialogue with strong passages, acoustic moments and prog parts in order to create an unique and fascinating sound.

LISY STEFANONI - Voice & Flutes




VITRIOL - 2012  (Full lenght)
I WILL STAY - 2008  (EP)

Evenoire - Official Homepage
Evenoire - Official MySpace

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