Monday, December 24, 2012

Lovelorn Dolls

Band Name: Lovelorn Dolls
Status: Active
Genre: Dark rock / alternative
City: Brussels
Country: Belgium

LOVELORN DOLLS is the musical expression of the duo Ladyhell (vocals, Arrangements, Words) and Corpus Christi (Music, Programming, Guitars, Production), creators of a romantic but dark universe.

They are proposing a musical atmosphere mixing Alternative, Electro and Rock.
They are combining the visual of Tim Burton, the glam of The Birthday Massacre or Marilyn Manson, with the music inspirations of Lacuna Coil, Evanescence, and Garbage. The childhood drawn in fantasy world.

2010’s “An Intense Feeling Of Affection” EP is the first result of the duet only just after six months from its own birth.
You can hear the first compositions accompanied by powerful drum machines and fronted by Ladyhell’s versatile voice, close to Bjork, Anneke Van Giersbergen and Cristina Scabbia. You can also discover the artwork of the talented graphist Gogo Melone for the cover.

Lovelorn Dolls will charm webzines (Ravenheart, Sonic Cathedral, Ladies in Rock, Musas Del metal, …) and the German magazine Dark Feather with interviews, and presence on the sampler of their magazine.

They start a series of concert between Belgium, The Netherlands and France, together with bands Ex Libris (Nl), Asrai (Nl), Elyose (Fr), … They get support from 2 booking agencies : Black Queen Agency (B) and EAM Agentur (Ger).

Early 2011, they record their first album “The House Of Wonders” and meet the producer Victor Love (Omega Lithium, Dope Stars Inc.). Victor perfectly fits the atmosphere of Lovelorn and will give the sound that the band needed to go further. This album is due to be released in September 2012.

The fanbase, the “Lovelorners”, is embracing both younger fans of Goth/Emo/Punk/Visual and more “mature” listeners of Industrial / Rock / Alternative metal. All around the world.

They also have been featured on many compilations : “World Of Glass 1” and “Des Filles et Des Riffs 2”.

Ladyhell is a also a member of the Eve’s Apple Community, a worldwide community of professional female singers, designed to be a platform that informs about women's work in the world of music, supports new female fronted bands, and offers advice for navigating the music business world.

Ladyhell , vocals - composer - writer
Corpus Christi, guitars - composer
Sedjem - guitars

This band don't have a video yet.

2010 – An Intense Feeling Of Affection (EP)
2012 – The House Of Wonders (album)

- Des Filles et des Riffs 2
- World Of glass
- Dark Feather cd sampler “track : Sagarmatha”

PLEASE HELP THIS BAND!! Share this info with your friends


Lovelorn Dolls - Official Site:
Lovelorn Dolls - Official Facebook:

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